Tuesday, November 12, 2013

SV# 1: Unit F Concept 10: Finding all real and imaginary zeroes of a polynomial

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The tricky parts of this kind of problems are the negative values. You have to make sure you are putting then in the right place and make sure you keep track of your negatives. Also the ones that cant be factored all the way are tricky too. You have to use the quadratic equation.

Monday, November 11, 2013

SV #2 Unit G : Concpets 1-7 : Finding all parts and graphing a rational function

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the difficalt parts about the problem are the division part you cant make a mistake. also finding the limited notations in the graph are dificult. for me graphin was the hardest part for me. i didnt really understand what parts go where. 

Thursday, November 7, 2013

SV3:Unit H Concept 7 - Finding Logs Given Approximations

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For this problem you will need to watch out for some small things. First is the when a log is equal to 1 .  you should already know that but some times it slips. Also when you bring up the numbers on the bottom of the fraction all your doing is adding negative to them and boom your done. You need to make sure you factored the problem corectly and there are more then one way to factor it out. So if you have a diffrent answer then dont worry you both are right. Thats all i have to say for this concept >

SV4: Unit I Concept 2- Graphing logarithmic equations

Please see my video by clicking here.

The hardest part of this equations are the y- intercepts. you have to set the logs to equal each other, and also another tricky part is when you graph it on a calculator. It does not go all the and dose not show the x intercept for the domain. If you are use to normal equations then the domain and range are switch for good reasons.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

WPP #6 Unit I Concept 3-5 Compounding Interest

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SP#3 Unit ; Concept 1 : Graphing exponential functions

the problem i just had done is about graphing exponential functions. you have to watch out for the x-intercept because if it is a negative then you will not have a x-intercept as you see where i boxed it. and the domain of this graph or most of the same kind of graphs will always be all real numbers because it well never end unlike the range of this equation.