Thursday, June 5, 2014

I/D 1 unit N

        1. Describe the 30* triangle : the 30 degree triangle has and angle of 30 degrees with a radiouse of 1
        2. Describe the 45* triangle: this trangle has two of the same sides
        3. Describe the 60* triangle: this triangle is like the opposite of the 30 degree triangle
        4. How does this activity help you to derive the Unit Circle?this activities help me see the conection with in the unit cirlce and acutally understanding how they get each set of plots for each.
        5. What quadrant does the triangle drawn in this activity lie in?  How do the values change if you draw the triangles in Quadrant II, III, or IV?  Re-draw the three triangles, but this time put one of the triangles in Quadrant II, one in Quadrant III, and one in Quadrant IV.  Label them as you did in the activity and describe the changes that occur.i kinda forgot because i dotn have the activity anymore
        1. The coolest thing I learned from this activity was that how the cricles are a bunch of trangles
        2. This activity will help me in this unit because it make me memorize more clearly how the circle works
        3. Something I never realized before about special right triangles and the unit circle is the they conect and that how easy it is

WPP 12 : unit O concept 10

As a helicopter is flying over the afican savanha for animals to catch for a zoo it finds a zebra. The helicopter is flying 40 feet up in the air and the angle a with the dart gun is to the zebra is 50 degrees. how far will the dart go to hit the zebra ?

when the zebra go to the zoo he looked at the people. he looked at a 30 degree angle up to the people. the plat form is 20 feet high of the ground. how far is the new zebra from the plat form ?